Monday, February 21, 2011

The Power of Peace?

In recent weeks, the Egyptian people rose up, and seemingly toppled their authoritarian regime of thirty years. It is not the mere fact that they defiantly took to the street for two-and-a-half weeks, nor the passion with which they did it. It was the peaceful means by which they did it which sent shock waves throughout the Middle East and beyond. To see such change occur in the absence of suicide bombers and general violence in a part of the world where peace is viewed not as a standard, but rather as an impossible dream. While there are many reasons for which the uprising occurred - Tunisia, the death of a young dissident - it's infectious behaviour has began a new chapter in the Middle East's history. Multiple other leaders in the area have began to cede to the demands of the people. Some have done this willingly, and others are still using the power of local and corrupt security forces to quell the growing masses. The question at this point is whether or not they hold onto the ground they have gained, and forge a new path, or if recent events will be seen as a 'blip' on the radar years from now?

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