Thursday, February 5, 2009

Janus (and the inappropriate use of his image to represent the psycho-babble that is to become this Blog)

The opening to my Blog shall serve two purposes, both of which transcend myself. The first is a direct apology to Janus, the Roman God of beginnings and endings (or by most accounts - doors), should he exist somewhere in the nebulous spectrum of existence itself. I offer this apology for my blatant 'rewriting' of his ethos in an attempt to find an image that embodies the core of this Blogs purpose. As my desire is to promulgate exorbitant amounts of nonsense, rhetoric, and hopefully entertaining (at least to me) thoughts on man, life, and a passion for Kit-Kats, or stated more's ever changing nature; I decided a two-faced god more accurately represented this theme than the banal imagery associated with the "yin and yang" symbol. I would have placed something a bit more apropos in its place; however, I searched for many moons and exhausted many a resource on my quest to no avail (this is tantamount to five minutes of conducting image searches on Google). The second is to more accurately define 'Capricious Nature' using the context of my views as a guide to the reader (this assumes I will some day lose the unique status of being the only reader of this Blog).

"Capricious Nature" is my pathetic attempt to place the concept of man's constantly changing emotions, ideas, beliefs, actions - in a word, nature - into a concise and semi-descriptive title (I would argue this can be taken literally as the wanton ways of Mother Nature cause the global environmental vicissitudes as well). Humans are, by 'nature', transient in their day to day journey through life's experiential obstacle course. Based on how the ambient environment is affecting them, a resulting reaction is formed. Seemingly similar situations founded in disparate environments can bring about drastically different results. This Blog is my way of blowing my inquisitive and opinionated mental boogers onto the cyber-kleenex, and seeing what it looks like when I unfold the tissue.

With that...Welcome to my Blog!!!

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